Here's some big news: I will be turning 21 THIS MONDAY!!!
I’ve been waiting for this moment since I got to college. I’ve never been a huge party person, but now that I can buy a bottle of wine to accompany my dinner? Best believe this is going to be a happy, happy day for me! In my 21 years of life I’ve gone through wonderful experiences and challenges that have made me into the woman I am today. I have learned an incredible amount about myself, especially in my college years, that has changed me for the better. I’ve never been so proud of who I am and the path that I’m taking with my life. In light of that, here’s 21 reflections I have on turning 21.
1. Self care regimens are essential to my mental health. Without them I tend to lose my shit.
2. I have the right to protect my energy at all costs. I don't owe anyone anything.
3. The art of observing my emotions instead of feeding into them will take me far.
4. My body is my temple and I must treat it as such. No body shaming, no restricting my eating, nothing but love and nourishment.
5. Once I became an adult, no one was to blame for my emotional damage, and I must take ownership of my feelings in order to move on from the past.
6. Real friends are the ones who call you out, tell you like it is, and still love you endlessly. I am so incredibly lucky to have found quite a few of these rare gems. Without these people, I don’t know where I’d be.

7. Taking 10-15 minutes out to meditate each day has drastically improved my life.
8. Weighing myself every day will not make me skinnier or keep me in control of my body.
9. Tequila is not my friend.
10. Hey Ma! I'm done being that hard-headed kid when it comes to not listening to you. After all, most say I'm more and more like you each day. I take it as a compliment.
11. It’s okay to let go of what’s comfortable to find something (or someone) that is better for me.
He's also my editor for BEJ. A man of many talents!
12. Apologies are only valuable if they result in action.
13. I used to hate being vulnerable. One wonderful, compassionate human taught me it's not so bad after all.
14. Expect the worst out of people, and they will give you just that. Expect the best, putting in positive energy, and you may be pleasantly surprised.
15. The length of a friendship isn’t as nearly as important as the quality of one.
16. Creating a platform (Bright-Eyed Joy) to share what I've learned in my wellness journey thus far and help others the best I can has been a huge discovery in what I am truly passionate about.
17. Sitting in the sunshine, surrounded by sand and water, is a cure-all for any negative emotion I may have.
18. No matter what happens, as long as I have myself and my spirit, I will be just fine.
19. The Universe is powerful, it supports me, and also can’t be fooled. Being more connected to it has changed my life for the better.
20. I cherish time to myself more than anything now.
21. Whether I'm at my best or my worst; my strength, my power, my beauty, and my love for myself will forever stay constant.
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