A Cabo flick that I can’t get enough of.
I can’t remember the last time I’ve enjoyed fall as much as I have this year. The not too hot, not too cold sweater weather, getting back into the groove of my usual busy school schedule, and knowing that all my “last” moments are coming soon are probably to thank for that. Beginning this fall, it’s all about new horizons. I’m preparing to transition from my current chapter into the next, and taking with me all my lessons learned, wonderful memories made, and insane growth that happened in college. I’m more focused than ever. Here’s what most important to me as I embark on my new horizons.
Body movement is vital to my mental health.
I feel like I only really got the hang of this whole college thing recently, of course when I’m on my way out. This semester I’ve prioritized movement and fit it in regularly as if it’s just a part of my normal schedule. I typically do a mix of yoga, long walks, and the CPY Sculpt class to keep me going, and I have seen a huge difference in how my mind operates. I’m clear-headed, happy, and energized, making it a lot easier to get through 12 hour days. It is so important to find your sweet spot with movement, and I wrote all about it here.
Releasing old habits and mindsets that no longer suit me.
When’s the last time you tried to break a habit that you know doesn’t allow you to be your best self? The stuff is hard. Amidst my busy schedule, it’s so important for me to build in time to reflect and check in. Often it’s easy to fall straight into robot mode and “go go go,” but that type of life doesn’t suit me. For the month of October, I’m especially focused on letting go of worrying about what others think of me, harbored guilt, and self-doubt. Easier said than done, but I’m up for the challenge.
Doing what the heck I want.
Lately I’ve been challenging myself to live more unapologetically. That means saving my mornings for self-care, sleeping in, or body movement, not feeling obligated to keep connections I no longer want, and exploring my dating life on my terms (which includes peacing out whenever I feel like it to enjoy my cozy bed). There’s a certain level of power I feel within when I just follow my heart, regardless of how others feel about my choices. I love that feeling, and I want to continue to feel empowered and set boundaries that I am comfortable with.
Letting go of what no longer serves me.
I used to form emotional attachments pretty quickly, to both people and experiences. But what I often found was that when I didn’t just trust the Universe to know what was best for me, I got too upset when things or people got taken out of my life. Now, instead of holding on with a tight grip, I’ve let things flow effortlessly in and out without questioning why or how. What’s meant to stay in my life will, and for the right reasons. Everything else can keep it pushin’.
Spending time with the people I love.
It’s the last time almost all my best friends will be in a two-mile radius of where I live, so I’ve got to cherish it. I haven’t always been the best at socializing, primarily because past months-long episodes of depression have left me feeling unmotivated to see anyone or do anything fun. That changes now. Every moment I spend with my friends is so special to me, and I’m going to cherish every one I can.
Four years and counting of arguing like an old married couple with my bestie.
Happy and curly and free.
Autumn intentions, anyone? Tell me what you’re prioritizing this season below!